29 Dec

We do get our fair share of tornadoes through the years and October 25, 2021 was the most recent.   Although it was quite powerful and ripped through several communities and did extensive damage, no one was injured or killed!  That didn't go for the livestock, however.  I'm sure a lot of wildlife was killed as well.  Counting all the cows or calves which were killed outright and those who we had to put down or died over the next two weeks, we lost 5 cows and 5 calves.  It could have been much worse.

Allen cut this cow out from under the tree (see below photo) just as it was getting dark, the wind was still quite blustery, and in a timber ravaged by tornado.  No stress - aaaargh!

Cleanup began immediately next morning with first walking the timber looking for more survivors.  There were a few, but badly injured.  Not pretty.  The path of the tornado is clear here.

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