31 Aug

Corned Beef

 From the kitchen of Sandra Best from her days of preparing food for the sheep shearing crew in Longreach, Queensland, Australia


  •  5 lb rolled rump roast
  •  4 1/2 quarts of water
  •  2 lbs coarse salt


 Heat water to dissolve salt then let cool completely. Stab thawed roast about 60 times with a long-tined meat fork. Pour salt water into a #2 ceramic crock (or stainless pot) and submerge roast into it. Weight down the roast with a brick or whatever. Place crock in a cool place and cover with kitchen towel. Let sit for 9 days. Some recipes, which called for turning the roast everyday, but we forgot to do that and it worked fine. 

To cook:  Rinse roast, then place in a stockpot filled with enough water to cover roast 1 inch. Bring to slow boil, then pour off water, rinse out pot and refill with enough water to cover roast 1 inch. While water is heating add 2 tablespoons brown sugar, two bay leaves, 1 onion, quartered, 2 teaspoons nutmeg, and 1/4-cup vinegar. Cover and bring to slow boil, then simmer until meat falls off of a fork or skewer. (about 3 hours).   Serve with mashed potatoes or for an easy potluck, break up the meat and stir into potatoes and serve in a crock pot. Or let cool and slice off for sandwiches to take to work.

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