03 Jan

While in this case, my first two attempts following a recipe with the Sunrise Flour Mill resulted in less than desirable loaves, they were still very tasty.  Sometimes, however, baking experiments simply aren’t an enjoyable eating experience – in those cases, one can either throw them out to your pets or chooks, compost them, or whir them into excellent bread crumbs to be used in myriad of recipes.  

Here’s what i did with the bread since it was a bit stiff.  Soak those slices in fresh farm eggs and slowly cook in butter.  Serve with local honey, homemade blackberry syrup, or local maple syrup. (Coyote Orchard)

Soak the bread slices in healthy eggs produced from local pastured hens.  I purchase eggs from my local producers and friends at Natural Gramma.  Enjoy their YouTube videos to see how the hens actually live.

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