18 Oct


  • Package (25)of Spring Roll Shells                      
  • 1 lb ground beef    
  • 1 lb beef sausage
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup onions chopped 
  • 1 cup finely chopped carrots
  • 1 cup finely chopped celery 
  • 2 tablespoons Liquid Aminos or Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper


Thoroughly mix all ingredients, then place about ¼ to ½ cup of mix in a log shape on a prepared egg roll shell.  Roll up properly and tightly, then fry in ½ inch of olive oil heated to a tick less than medium.  For best browning do not overcrowd them.  I cook 6 at a time in 12 inch skillet. Once lightly browned, turn over.  

Keep an eye on these, they need to be cooked through, but careful not to burn the shells.  Drain on paper towels. 

We serve with LaChoy Sweet & Sour Sauce

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