17 Jul

Oh my goodness - found this recipe - modified it a bit - and, VOILA!  New one for my family recipe book.  What an absolutely awesome use of all that frozen winter squash in my freezer.  Pumpkins, Jarradahls, Acorn squash, butternut, and probably Queensland Blues. 


Makes 12-24 rolls 


 1 ½ cups cooked, smashed, cooled winter squash
1 cup scalded milk
2 scant tablespoons active dry yeast
½ cup warm water
6 cups Sunrise Mills flour
½ cup sugar
2 teaspoons salt
½ cup butter 


In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water.  After bloom (about 10 minutes), add 5 cups of flour (I use a combo of whole wheat, bread, and white), sugar, butter, squash, and milk.  Stir with dough hook as you are slowly adding each item. Add the remaining cup of flour as needed for nonsticky dough. 

Lightly oil the bowl and turn dough to coat with oil, cover bowl with a damp towel.  Rise 1 hour (maybe a bit more) in a warm spot. 

Divide the dough into 12 or 24 pieces (I go with 24 because we simply don’t need a huge roll).  Form the pieces into rounds, then place on a lightly greased 12 x 15 baking.  (I used a stone).  Cover with a damp cloth and let rise until double.  45 minutes or so.

 Bake at 400° F for 12 minutes or until golden brown.


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