04 Jan

Continuing my collection of zucchini recipes, i post this one.  It's s really so easy it can hardly be considered a recipe.


  • Zucchini – spiralized or sliced thinly with mandolin
  • Onion – sliced
  • Garlic – minced or chopped
  • Sea Salt
  • Pepper
  • Option toppings can include any kind of meat chopped up, shredded cheese,


  • Spiralize or thinly slice zucchinis into a skillet and sauté until moisture is lessened
  • Meanwhile, slice onion  and mince garlic then add to skillet
  • Add cooked meat and warm through.
  • Top with sliced hard cooked eggs and/or shredded cheese

This tasty dish will replace my daily lettuce salad until fall greens crop come along.  My dish today has leftover corned beef.  Home grown zucchini and onions, eggs from Natural Gramma 

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